Taylor Lea Marketing

COnsulting, Content CReation & Media Management

Sustainable Marketing

We are all just a really beautiful product of time & chance.
— Brianna Madia

I am a firm believer in the importance of time and chance as they create opportunities, in which we can grow and flourish. I have always looked at marketing in this same way. Time and chance are the two factors that can create an opportunity for a brand or a community by means of outreach and brand awareness.

My Name is Taylor Dusick, and I want to create a platform and a community within a company. My background falls in line with sustainable business and brand awareness through campaigns, social communities, and identifying product qualities. 


lets talk about..

Sustainable Marketing

Marketing is a tool that not only advertises and places value on a business, but it also creates a community behind a brand. I believe in the connection created by involving your community in your story, your business, and your products. By implementing a sustainable marketing plan you provide efficient communication, connection, and collaboration throughout multiple channels. The inclusion of your customers and followers through the ins and outs of the business allows your customers to both create and share your story.
